English for Research Writing
?The course lasts for eight weeks with a 2-hour lesson each week. Certain learning techniques will be introduced and practiced over the course, so it is recommended that participants attend as many sessions as possible.
Registration is only via this link and NOT FROM CURRENT PAGE:
Aimed at
All Doctoral Researchers whose first language is NOT EnglishPre-requisites
For research students whose first language is NOT English
Must register by visiting the following link:
Key learning outcomes
By the end of this FULL 8 WEEK COURSE, participants will be able to:
- Write in an academic style
- Use vocabulary and grammatical structures commonly found in their academic discipline
- Vary the writing to suit different audiences
- Use text patterns commonly found in academic writing
- Display the types of critical thinking expected in their academic discipline
Specific skills focused on in this session
Research and information literacy, communication skills