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Thesis writing workshop

This training will enable the participant to prepare for the all-important thesis-writing phase of their studies as well as to approach other academic writing tasks with confidence.

Aimed at

Doctoral Researchers (mid stage, final stage)


This is a practical ‘hands-on’ workshop. To make the most of your day you will need to bring the following:
1) a copy of a thesis that has been recently submitted by someone working in your department. It is important that this is an example of one that passed. Ideally bring one in paper format, but an electronic version is better than none.  

2) the university's rules and guidelines on submission of theses, including any information that you can find about the choice of examiners (internal and external).

Key learning outcomes

Thesis in 10 Steps
During this six-hour course participants will:

• think about the purpose of a Thesis and use this to focus efforts,

• examine the university’s rules to see what is needed to fulfil their requirements,

• examine previous theses from your discipline, learning about key items of STRUCTURE and content,

• create a chapter-level map of your thesis, letting this indicate areas where more research is required,

• focus on individual chapters, creating a thinking tool that gathers information while you are finishing your research,

• create a CATALOGUE of potential chapter content, identifying elements that need immediate attention,

• create a sense of story within individual chapters, making the text more accessible to your reader,

• instigate systems to MANAGE your time during the writing phase, ensuring that you meet your chosen deadlines,

• look at a few tips on REVISING early drafts, and

• use previously completed theses and the university’s rules as guides to DESIGN simply. 

Presented by

Dr Pete Moore, PhD FRSA, Thinkwrite

Specific skills focused on in this session

Approaches to writing long documents.

Health and Safety and general notice

Participants will be viewing presentations projected onto a SMART Board screen. Participants may be required to work in groups. Refreshments may be available at the venue.

Select a date

You must login to see and book workshop dates.


Brunel 3D Development Tool

Develops the following:

Skills needed to do your research and career

Skills needed to disseminate your research

Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Competencies

Develops skills relevant to the following domains of the RDF:

This workshop is provided by

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Email address Telephone number 01895 265935