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The ethical ethnography of Ana (Department of Education research students only)

Our work is, in part, to ask 'educational questions' about difficult areas of life outside of mainstream schooling: We are particularly interested in explorations of cultural transgression and personal transformation, and how these play out in everyday life. Transgression and transformation are at the heart of learning, creative learning and creativity are at the heart of science. So, as an adjunct, we explore how people in the general population commonly use (medical) science as part of their rationalisations for the everyday actions they take (health/ nutrition/ effects). In this presentation we look at pro-Anorexia and pro-Bulimia (Pro-Ana, Pro-Mia) websites, and consider some of the ethical issues allied to online ethnography as we explore these educative questions.

Aimed at

Department of Education Doctoral Researchers only

Presented by

Nic Crowe and Mike Watts

Key learning outcomes

  • Difficult educational questions

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